Fixed Assets Management

ServicesAccounting Information Systems DesignVirtual Controller & CFO Advisory ServicesController Full ServiceFull Charge BookkeepingRegular Bookkeeping
Structural Design/Setup
Design, Test, Formalize and Document all Fixed Asset workflowsY
Review/Verify, Adjust/Create & document SOPs for all Fixed Asset processes.YY
Analyze, Test & Recommend internal controls/checks & balancesYY
Is there a 3rd party Fixed Asset application connected?YYY
Review & recommend/create a Fixed Asset Checklist - W/M/Q/YYYY
Is there a Capitalization Policy? Does the process follow the Capitalization Policy?YYY
Is there a Capital Expenditure/Remodel planned in the next M/Q/YYY
Design & implement metrics to measure trends & catch inefficiencies.YY
Train, coach, counsel, mentor, manage Accounting LeadYY
Procedural Design/Setup
Are Fixed Asset additions in compliance of the Capitalization Policy?YYYY
New Additions & Disposals correctly categorized and verified?YY
Depreciation & Amortization calculated & posted?YY
Is the 'external' Fixed Asset register tied to the GL?YYYY


Payroll Accounting


Debt Management