Your growth & success is our priority!

Our mission at YBL is to help you drive your business's success with clarity and confidence.

Welcome to YBL, where we blend the alchemy of numbers with financial precision and fuse it with unwavering passion. Beyond mere facts and figures, YBL is a sanctuary for small businesses, a realm where we cultivate a landscape of empowerment with the right tools and guidance that delivers clarity and confidence for entrepreneurs to not just survive but thrive in their business journey forward. Let us partner with you on this journey!

Your Books Live Owner, Hitesh

Why choose us?

YBL’s 100% remote services offer a modern and efficient approach to meeting client’s accounting and financial needs - a solution you can rely on. Here are just a few reasons to choose Your Books Live for your accounting needs.

High-quality service ensuring exceptional client satisfaction and results

Quality of service

  • High-quality, transparent, comprehensive, and customizable solutions.

  • Accuracy, integrity, and honesty - always!

  • More than just “basic book building,” we build a solution based on your needs.

100% remote service for flexible and efficient accounting support from anywhere

100% Remote Services

  • Use cloud-based technology to enhance communication, collaboration, and data security.

  • Expert support and partnership are at your fingertips.

  • Delivers cost savings.

Leverage information technology for optimizing digital systems and operations

Information Technology

  • Leverage technology to build tools and processes to automate the information flow.

  • Increase efficiencies to support decision-making and fuel growth.

  • Assist with integrating & adapting the best technology.

Scalability and flexibility for business growth and adaptation.

Scalability & Flexibility

  • Custom solutions for one-time or recurring needs, new startups, or rapidly growing businesses. 

  • YBL matches the engagement and level of support your business demands.

  • Design processes to enhance personnel, performance, and profits.

Top-notch accounting professional delivering expert financial solutions

Top-notch Accounting Professional

  • 30-plus years of expertise in technical Accounting & Finance

  • Monitor business performance, build your team, and mitigate risks & uncertainties.

  • A dedicated professional provides an in-depth analysis of your financial status.

One-stop shop for all your comprehensive service needs

One Stop Shop

  • A variety of Client Accounting and Advisory services. 

  • Design & build Accounting Information Systems from the ground up.

  • ERP resources - review & replace, set up, training, migration & management.

YBL is your reliable partner, enabling clients to achieve their financial objectives while freeing valuable time and resources.

The YBL approach

YBL approaches each client engagement using the SMART framework - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This framework allows us to create an action plan tailored to your organization, track and measure progress as we move forward, identify areas of improvement, and ensure that your business is on track to reach its goals on time.

To ensure your business succeeds, it is essential that we set goals when we begin working with you. This will provide you with a clear direction, motivation, and the tools to grow your business.

Outlined below is our standard approach to Client Accounting Services. It is important to remember that every business is unique, so the timeline will vary depending on your company's size and complexity, the type of services you have subscribed to, and the level of customization requested.

SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound objectives

Step 1 - Discovery: Initial phase of understanding and assessing needs.

Week 1


  • Kick-off with a call and screen share.

  • Introductions - Products & Services, Ownership Structure & Accounting Dept.

  • Will you be subscribing to the standard packages, customizing, or both?

  • Who is my point of contact, and what methods & frequency of communication?

  • Prepare, finalize, and sign the service contract.

Step 2 - Diagnose & Drill Down: Analyze & detail specific issues and solutions

Week 2 to 4

Diagnose, Drill Down

  • Review Chart of Accounts, Trial Balance, Aging, Cash Flow, and Bank Reconciliations.

  • Accounting, Payroll & IT System setup.

  • Customers and Vendors' information in the Accounting System.

  • Review prior 18 to 36 months of financial statements to establish parameters.

  • Understand workflows, processes, staffing levels, division of labor

  • What are the challenges & how to fix them - a list by area.

Step 3 - Design & Develop: Create and refine tailored solutions and strategies.

Week 5 to 9

Design & Develop

  • Develop, test, and adjust internal controls, workflows, and SOPs.

  • Build Quarterly Budgets for key Income Statement categories.

  • Build KPIs

  • Financial Statment review, report & recommendations

  • Train lead accountant in all the processes

  • Develop weekly, monthly, quarterly & annual checklists for the lead accountant.

  • Create reliable and accurate reporting

Step 4 - Deliver, Detect & Adjust: Implement, monitor, & refine for optimal results.

Week 10 to 13

Deliver, Detect & Adjust

  • Start delivering relevant & precise reporting and business intelligence.

  • Train lead in understanding the reports and planning the next steps.

  • Monitor business performance against the benchmarks & KPIs.

  • Identify the anomalies and variances.

  • Report & recommend adjustments.

Hold on….why should I opt for YBL’s advisory services?

Value of simplicity and time

Considering how dynamic businesses can be, why immerse yourself in the complexities of researching and reconfiguring your accounting information systems to support efficient decision-making? Say goodbye to hiring full-time professionals, exhaustive interviews, onboarding paperwork, rigorous training sessions, taxing administrative chores, and managerial turnovers. By choosing YBL, you're essentially onboarding a seasoned professional with experience who is ready to take the helm without any startup hassles.

Now, ask yourself - do you really want to spend time juggling between managing your books, financial reporting, and cash flow management on your own? If the growing paperwork mountain on your office desk or the outdated ledgers are anything to go by, it's time to let an expert bear that weight.

(By the way, your team has subtly hinted they'd prefer if professionals handled the numbers. They love what they do, but bookkeeping? Not so much.)

Business growth strategies and actions to drive company expansion and success

Maximizing profit is the name of the game.

Sure, you could go down the route of hiring a novice and a paid assistant. But why allocate a significant portion of your budget to someone unfamiliar with the bookkeeping landscape? With YBL, you're leveraging our decades of extensive corporate bookkeeping expertise for a competitive fee. 

Not only will your overall expenses be optimized, but our team will also diligently identify deductible expenses, spotlight your prime revenue sources, and advise on eradicating non-essential costs. This strategy ensures a healthier bottom line for your business. 

Moreover, your CPA will undoubtedly sigh relief, leading to potentially reduced costs during tax season. Plus, you can finally bid adieu to those irksome late filing and payment penalties.

Track progress and adjust strategies for sustainable success
Owner & Operator of YBL, Hitesh

YBL’s evolution

Your Books Live (YBL), founded by Hitesh in August 2015, has provided Bookkeeping Services to startups, fast-growing small businesses, entrepreneurs, and families managing multiple small businesses. Recognizing the daily challenges a young and growing business faces, YBL started building cost-effective solutions to fill the gaps for these budding ventures that often required full-time accounting professionals and expertise to build a robust Accounting Information System.

By delivering comprehensive and customizable Client Accounting Services, YBL has enabled small business owners to analyze their financial strengths and weaknesses, measure performance, manage cash flow, interpret technical accounting data, and recommend corrective measures to fuel their growth.

In 2022, YBL expanded its services to include Virtual or Fractional Controller/CFO advisory solutions. This new offering is tailored for small and maturing companies experiencing rapid growth, as it provides continuous monitoring of accounting and financial activities. With a focus on enhancing processes, procedures, performance, personnel, and profits, virtual or fractional advisory services ensure that business owners can effectively manage their growth trajectory while measuring and managing financial performance in real time.

YBL’s goals 

Startups and small businesses often find themselves in a catch-22 situation: they do not have the financial resources to hire full-time, high-level positions such as Controllers & CFOs to manage and grow their business, and expanding operations becomes extremely challenging without these leadership roles. 

Your Books Live offers cost-efficient expertise for managing and growing businesses at a fraction of the cost of hiring full-time positions. As part of its commitment to providing dedicated quality services to small and select clients, YBL works closely with each client to develop tailored accounting solutions that meet their expectations and objectives - there is no “one size fits all!” 

How can we help?

YBL is recognized and affiliated with leading industry bodies, a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence.

Next Steps

So, are you ready to take the next step? Your Books Live is the best choice if you want a customized Accounting Solution for measuring, monitoring, and managing your accounting & financial activities. Based in La Habra, California, YBL offers professional, 100% remote services to small businesses seeking new challenges and pursuing exciting opportunities. Feel free to drop us a note at or message me on LinkedIn at

Results of YBL's vision and planning