Cash Flow Management Services

Cash flow management analyzes, projects, monitors, and optimizes money (cash & non-cash) moving into and out of business. Non-cash items here include short-term Receivables and Payables that will turn into cash as a receipt or payment, impacting your total cash flow. A positive cash flow indicates more money coming in than going out, and a negative cash flow shows less money coming in than going out. 

Cash Flow Management Solutions

Managing your cash flow is critical because it can boost your business value, reward its owners, fund your daily operations, help mitigate & manage risk, plan for future expansion, etc.

As part of our Fractional Controller/CFO consulting services, the Cash Flow Management package provides a comprehensive solution to monitor the Income Statement and Cash Flow activities, Budgeting, Forecasting, and establishing performance metrics, as shown below.

YBL’s Cash Flow Management package includes the following services and starts at $2,500/month per company with revenues of less than $5 million/per year;

Track, Support & Promote Growth

Revenue, Earnings & Cash Flow Management

YBL can provide additional custom services tailored to your needs.
The cost of these services or packages will vary based on each project's size, scope, and length.

Analyze financial data

Analyze Financials Statements

  • Analyze prior 18 to 36 months of Income Statements, Balance Sheets, and Cash Flow Statements.

  • Identify trends, anomalies, and seasonal variances.

  • Establish parameters for budgeting (Min, Max, Avg.)

  • Review & recommend or create a W/M/Q/Y checklist to measure performance.

  • Design & implement metrics to measure trends & catch inefficiencies.

  • Train, coach, counsel, mentor & manage Accounting Lead.

Identify revenue & cost components

Analyze & identify revenue, cost & cash flow components

  • Revenue

    • Sources & Leads.

    • Conversion & Retention Rate.

    • Purchase Frequency Rate.

    • Promotions, Discounts, Returns, Commissions.

    • Average Purchase Value/Transaction.

  • Profit Drivers

    • Revenue.

    • Fixed Expenses.

    • Variable Expenses.

  • Cash Flow Drivers

    • +/- in Profits.

    • +/- Inventory Balance.

    • +/- AR & AP Balance.

    • +/- Other Assets & Liabilities.

    • +/- Owner Equity.

Budget & Forecast

Create Budgets & Forecasts

  • Design and Build a Quarterly Budget for the current year.

    • Develop and monitor Cash Flow projections.

    • Color-code the score (red, yellow, and green) based on what needs to be improved.

    • Conduct Quarter-end Actual vs. Budget review & analysis.

  • Build KPIs to measure monthly business performance.

    • Ratios for Liquidity, Efficiency, Solvency, Coverage, and Profitability.

    • Breakeven Point Analyses.

    • Labor Efficiency.

  • Train, coach, counsel, mentor & manage Accounting Lead.

Monthly Summary - Business Intelligence, Insights & Recommendations

  • Provide a monthly performance summary - emailed with charts & spreadsheets if necessary.

  • Monitor your books continuously for compliance and accuracy, making them “tax ready” for the CPA.

  • Identify and report items to be reviewed & addressed by the client.


  • Businesses with annual revenues over $5 million will require a review to determine the complexity of the business operation based on sales volume, transactional activity, number of departments or revenue centers, etc.

  • This package is a “review, report & recommend” service only. YBL will not “actively manage” your staff or post any accounting adjustments in your books.

  • YBL can assist the client in customizing this package based on operations.

  • This package is also available on a quarterly or annual engagement basis.

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