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Related Party Transactions (Multi-entity portfolios only)

ServicesAccounting Information Systems DesignVirtual Controller & CFO Advisory ServicesController Full ServiceFull Charge BookkeepingRegular Bookkeeping
Structural Design/Setup
Design, Test, Formalize and Document all multi-entity workflowsYY
Review/Verify, Adjust/Create & document SOPs for multi-entity processes.YYY
Does each entity have a separate bank account?YY
Are Clearing Accounts or inter-entity AR/AP accounts being used?YY
Review & recommend 3rd party AP/AR/Payroll solutions for integrationYY
Review & recommend/create a Close Checklist - M/Q/YYYY
Design & implement metrics to measure trends & catch inefficiencies.YY
Train, coach, counsel, mentor, manage Accounting LeadYYYY
Review/research/implement/manage ERPYY
Design, test, implement Accounting Information Systems YY
Procedural Design/Setup
Review/monitor/reconcile inter-entity AR & AP balancesYY
Identify discrepancies, provide adjustments.Y
Review/monitor/reconcile inter-entity recurring transactions;YY
Credit CardsYY
Loans/Cash transfers/Promissory NotesYY
Equity transfers